Jun 7, 2012

random thoughts...
  • I'm glad our recall election for our Governor here in Wisconsin is finally over. It all became too negative. An unbelievable amount of money was spent on the whole thing.
  • We picked our first batch of snow peas from our garden and used them in a stir fry. This is our first year growing them and it's going great.
  • I bought a reproduction vintage Barbie at the thrift store today. Spent more than I should've, usually the way it goes. 
  • I've gotten several vintage sheets in the past couple weeks, including the one above. I have a pink one in that pattern as well which I love. I'd like to sew more with vintage sheets.
  • I think I need to get a book about toddler discipline. I don't know if she's going through a phase or what. It's been tough lately.
  • I'd like to come up with ideas for for weekly blog posts. When I feel overwhelmed (like now), it sometimes is hard to come up with ideas for a post.  
  •  My mother-in-law gave me her old Serger. I'm planning on figuring out how it all works this weekend. 
  • I just found out I get some "me time" tonight. Thrifting and the fabric shopping it is!

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