Welcome! Boy, it has been a long time. Because it's been so long, I think I'm basically starting over with this blog. So, I thought I'd reintroduce myself. I'm Angie, and we live in south-central Wisconsin. We have one child, a 6 year old daughter. We began our homeschool journey last fall for Kindergarten. A huge change in our life, but very positive for our family. Because homeschooling is such a big part of our life, this blog will now focus more on this part of our life. I will continue to blog about crafting, cooking, etc. I have been debating on whether to start blogging again. I'm so over so many sponsored blog posts, blogggers/IGers not being upfront about sponsored items, and bloggers that do not feel authentic. Most of my favorite blogs have fizzled out. So, maybe I'm not the only one looking for something new. Something more real. Also, homeschooling can feel isolating sometimes, and I would love to make some more connections. To share what I've learned & learn new things from my blog readers. I think blogging again is a great place to start. So here I am again and I'm excited to share my journey.
Mar 7, 2014
I found this beautiful vintage book about indoor plants at the thrift store today. It's from the 1970's. In this case, you can judge a book by its cover! The illustrations are amazing. I'm almost tempted to framesome of these pages. I think I may do a little plant shopping this weekend... If you are a plant lover, I have recently added more macrame plant hangers to my shop. I've designed a new hanger for smaller plants/pots. Have a great weekend!
Feb 20, 2014
Oh February, you have been quite the month! I'm looking forward to March and hopefully an end to this crazy winter. Valentine's Day was nice- my daughter gave me a card this year. It's so adorable. I've been sewing a lot lately, mostly softies which I'll be adding to my handmade shop soon. I'm in the process of making some changes with that shop, adding more items for children. I'm excited about this new direction. It feels like a good time to change things up!
Jan 15, 2014
Cold and snowy weather always puts me in the mood to crochet. I've crocheted five projects so far this winter, that shows you what kind of winter we're having! I'm so ready for spring... I love this slouchy beret, especially on my little one. I bought the e-pattern on Etsy from Pixiebell. It's a very easy pattern and it only takes me about four hours to complete a hat. It's so satisfying to complete quick little projects like this. Now, back to crocheting!
Jan 1, 2014
Hello 2014! A new year and a fresh start for this blog. I've decided that my one little word for the year is "complete." Last year I struggled with following through with things- and sometimes even being afraid to start. If I make a goal now, I want to complete it. No more excuses, I mean what am I waiting for? This will be the year of action. Of doing. Being in the moment and becoming a better person through that. I also love that the word "complete" also means that I have everything already. I am whole. Sometimes I tend to forget that. Here's to a wonderful year! Angie